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Medical malpractice or medical negligence is substandard care that’s been provided by a medical professional to a patient, that can directly cause injury or caused an existing condition to get worse. Medical negligence can occur in many ways such as misdiagnosis, incorrect treatment, surgical mistakes and even aftercare or health management.

Physicians, surgeons, psychiatrists and dentists; nurses, physician assistants, allied health professionals (including physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, podiatrists, occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists, pharmacists, optometrists and medical radiation practitioners) can be involved in a medical malpractice issue.

Medical Malpractice can impact the life of a whole family, with lost wages, medical bills, pain, suffering, and even, the lost of a loved one If you, or a member or your family, had been affected by the effects of a dangerous drug, a deffective medical implant, or a medical malpractice during surgery, please contact Manuel Solis lawyers: We are here for you.

We will defend you against neglient specialists, healthcare companies, hospitals, doctors, drug companies, and even insurance companies that will try to convince the court it wasn't their fall, or that you have been previously informed of the possible risk and consequences of a proccedure.

We will fight until you can get the compensation your and your family desserve, such as the extent of your injury and illness, all the future healthcare needs and all the expenses involved in the proecess. We know we can change the past, but we'll fight to re-builit your future the most better posibble way, for you, for your family, and for this country justice system.


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